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Keep Girls Safe

The Keep Girls Safe project addresses human-trafficking in Thailand by preventing it. ADRA, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, created Keep Girls Safe to provide resources and safety for women and girls at risk of trafficking in Chiang Rai, Thailand. With this project, ADRA Thailand collaborates with various organizations to raise awareness about sex-trafficking and create opportunities for vulnerable women and girls.

Keep Girls Safe opened a shelter for high-risk girls in 2004. Currently, 30 girls live in the shelter and are taught social and financial skills by trained staff members. In addition, the project gives 100 at-risk girls in the local area scholarships through their Education Assistance Program and works with the local government to improve policies. Through the work of this project, girls are given the education and resources they need to protect themselves from traffickers, a life-changing gift  for them and their families.


Keep Girls Safe’s anti-trafficking initiatives are incredibly important in the Chiang Rai area. Thailand is a hub for traffickers, and rural areas are particularly vulnerable due to the high levels of poverty. In the Chiang Rai region, many families make less than one-sixth of the average Thai income. Trapped in the cycle of poverty, young girls often fall victim to recruiters who suck them into sex-trafficking.


We partner with Keep Girls Safe because we believe in their mission of empowering and equipping girls to lead productive, free lives. 

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